What are your competitive

Take the test | $97

Why take the test?

We at IMPACT Advisory have created this Business-to-Business Impact Assessment to offer organisations an enhanced understanding of their standing within the market in order to empower them to increase their competitiveness and impact. This assessment is designed around the constituent parts of competitiveness - multiple value creation components - Impact Values. We designed it with clarity, simplicity and actionability in mind.


This assessment is the first step in understanding how well-positioned your organisation is to outcompete others when delivering sustained value to potential clients. 

What do you get when you take the test?

Business impact tools

A competitive landscape analysis broken down to and assessed through multiple competitiveness variables - value creation components

Business impact tools

A probing of the capacity of your organisation to outcompete your closest competitors

Business impact tools

Insights about the current level of your competitiveness

Business impact tools

Recommendations what you should do to increase created value  and enhance your competitiveness

Take the test | $97

Why it works

Our Business-to-Business Impact Assessment is designed around motivations underlying clients’ decision-making process when choosing their next partner. Impact Values are reflections of the most important and decisive clients' motivations and fall under five definitive areas - decision-making and goal-setting, product development and improvement, new client acquisition, product or service delivery, and improvement of processes and systems. Impact Values help organisations evaluate their current capacity to compete successfully in their market, identify relevant strengths and immediate weaknesses, narrow down growth pathways and inform critical decisions leading to greater impact and market share.











Each Impact Value delivered by an organisation to their clients is about improving something on the clients’ side in one of the five corresponding areas of focus - leadership, product, market, operations, and systems. 



The area of Leadership includes Impact Values that are primarily personally of value to the decision-makers - people on your client’s side with whom the decision to purchase rests. They are usually related to the decision-maker’s personal motivations in the fields of wealth, career, ease of decision-making, inner well-being, or values.



The area of Product includes Impact Values that are directed at improving the perceived quality of your clients’ own products and services, and increasing your clients’ brand equity.



The area of Market includes Impact Values that are directed at helping clients expand possibilities to make new offers by either reaching new markets or market segments, or new customers in existing markets.



The area of Operations includes Impact Values that pertain to daily client activities - from production to sales to customer support. Impact Values in this area, when provided, contribute to the ease-of-doing-business through information, optimisation and valuable insights among other factors.



The area of Systems includes Impact Values that affect profitability and concerns tools, processes and systems used to deliver a product or service more efficiently.
